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Tackling women disorders Yogic Asanas to correct menstrual cycle disorders

by Yoga Positions

Menstrual cycle disorders and its critical stage.

Menstrual cycle disorders are not ailments but symptoms of other diseases. Mentionably, menstruation is a natural stage that graduates a girl into womanhood. This process also indicates that the person experiencing menstruation (usually a monthly discharge of a mucous membrane called ‘Leucorrhoea’, a mature egg and other toxic materials). Many women face problems during this critical stage of the menstrual cycle.

The menstrual disorders may be of many types: irregularity, profusion, scantiness or even painful, for that matter. Similarly most of the uterine complicacies are actually not diseases but disorders that adversely affect the functioning of the uterus. Yoga identifies the causes of these symptoms, identifies the ailments and corrects them while simultaneously relieving the person concerned of the symptoms.

Hence, in this chapter the reader will come to know of the various causes of the different ailments afflicting women. The appropriate asanas (yogic exercises) to either forestall or cure those diseases will also be dealt with.

Menstrual Cycle Disorders

There are four types of menstrual disorders. They are as follows:
(1) Painful or difficult menstruation (Dysmenorrhea): Such disorders can be of two types, namely spasmodic or primary The ideal yogic exercises for this condition are Savasana and Pavana Muktasana;
(2) Prolonged or excessive bleeding during the menstrual cycle although the cycle remains unaltered (Menorrhagia);
(3) Pathological or physiological cessation of menstruation (Amenorrhea); and
(4) Premenstrual tension.

Yogic Asanas to correct menstrual cycle disorders

Here is the list of the recommended asanas for correcting the menstrual cycle disorders. Nonetheless, one should not perform these asanas if you experience acute distress or even during menstruation. Regular practice of these yogic exercises will help in restoring the normal rhythmic pattern. Particular attention must be paid to those asanas that benefits the entire reproductive system of women.

For normalizing the menstrual period, regularly perform the following specific 12 asanas or a short-listed set of these asanas:

  1. Bhujangasana;
  2. Naukasana Yoga
  3. Pavana Muktasana;
  4. Bhadrasana;
  5. Janusirasana;
  6. Sasankasana;
  7. Yoga Mudra in Baddha Padmasana;
  8. Baddha Konasana;
  9. Ardha Matsyendrasana;
  10. Paschimotanasana;
  11. Dhanurasana; and
  12. Shalabhasana.

To normalize menstruation, perform the following 13 asanas as a general thumb rule. Remember that any tension of the mind and body will be effectively tackled when you relax in Savasana. The other dozen asanas are:

  1. Utkatasana;
  2. Trikonasana (variation);
  3. Moola Bandha;
  4. Nauli;
  5. Uddiyana;
  6. Supta Vajrasana;
  7. Padahastasana;
  8. Halasana;
  9. Matsyasana;
  10. Sarvangasana;
  11. Viparita Karani; and
  12. Ushtrasana.

Displacement of Fallopian tubes and uterus

When a woman goes through several deliveries, she may experience this typical disorder. It will be manifest in a loose uterus that sags downwards and outwards (Prolapse). Such a symptom occurs owing to the weakness of the vaginal and pelvic muscles following the deliveries.

As a result of repeated strains on these muscles, the uterus prolapses. The uterine vaginal walls then protrude at the vaginal orifice. In extreme cases, uterus cervix may get pushed down up to the vulva level. And in more severe instances, the entire uterus may get extruded from the vagina.

The specific and general Asanas to rectify these disorders

All asanas that require the inverted posture help to replace the internal organs in their original anatomical positions. The cycling movements in Viparita Karani are quite ideal in this regard.

The other specific asanas are Halasana, Sarvangasana and Sirshasana.

There are 17 other asanas that generally help rectify the aforementioned disorder: These are:

  1. Trikonasana;
  2. Nauli;
  3. Uddiyana;
  4. Moola Bandha;
  5. Bhadrasana;
  6. Pavana Muktasana;
  7. Baddha Konasana;
  8. Naukasana;
  9. Sasankasana;
  10. Aswini Mudra;
  11. Yoga Mudra;
  12. Ushtrasana;
  13. Paschimotanasana;
  14. Janusirasana;
  15. Shalabhasana;
  16. Bhujangasana; and
  17. Matsyasana.

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