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Nauli Yoga stomach exercises pose and benefits

by Yoga Positions

The Nauli yoga is performed as you are in the final Uddiyana posture.

Nauli Yoga


During this stage your chest will be expanded to its optimum level while a cavity will be formed in the abdominal area. During Nauli, the abdominal recti muscles (rooted in the stomach pit) will be contracted. The recti will stand out like a muscle rope right in the abdominal central portion.

The Technique

  • Perform Uddiyana obviously in the standing position.
  • Hold out your breath.
  • Remain in the Uddiyana position and make your abdomen assume the concave outward show.
  • Slightly stoop forward.
  • Concentrate on the abdominal recti muscles located just above the pubic bone.
  • As the first step, relax the abdominal wall muscles.
  • Then concentrate on and isolate both the recti muscles viz., the Recus Abdomini, from the adjoining abdominal wall muscles.
  • Nauli is performed when you are able to roll the two recti muscles sideways; i.e. from right to left and vice versa.

Important Points

  • The entire Nauli posture is constituted of five continuous movements that flow from one to the other.
  • However, the first four is done on a rotation basis while the last one is done in a circulatory rhythmic motion.
  • The final Nauli stage is done while exhalation. It consists of continuous rolling of the recti muscles while exhales.
  • The first four rotational Nauli yoga movements are the Madhyama (central isolation); Dakshina (right isolation); and Vama (left isolation).

The Fifth And Final Nauli Movements

The fifth and final Nauli yoga movements refer to the fast rolling of the abdominal wall recti muscles in rhythmic sideways and also circular movements.
Perform the Nauli during the exhalation process.

It is done by quickly rolling the recti muscles several times without any break in between.

During this manipulation you will have to proceed in a fast pace in the following manner: Right to left and then again from left to right.
Begin with Dakshina. Then rhythmically flow to Madhyama and Vama.

Immediately afterwards perform the three stages in the opposite way, namely Vama, Madhyama and Dakshina.

During this sideways churning movement, the two recti muscles are manipulated in a rapid vertical wave-like motion across the abdomen.

Words of Caution

  1. Nauli should not be practised by pregnant women.
  2. Uddiyana and Nauli are not at all recommended for youths in their pre-puberty age.
  3. If you are above 49 years of age, do not learn this exercise. However, you can still do it with the due guidance of a guru.


  • Nauli addresses the main source of most of our ailments – the abdomen.
  • The lateral rolling of the abdominal muscles provide strong exercises to the entire abdominal organs.
  • Your abdominal muscles as well as the abdominal cavity become stronger.
  • You will experience better digestive power.
  • There is a regular elimination of the accumulated toxic and other waste materials from within the body.
  • Constipation is cured.
  • There are regular bowel movements.
  • The solar plexus, adrenals and the gonads are stimulated.
  • Your gastro-intestinal system and the abdominal viscera are toned up.

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