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Yoga Benefits slowing down the aging process

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Yoga Benefits

He who masters the asanas conquers the world. – Says the Mantrabhaga in Trisikhibrahmanopanishad.

Yoga Benefits

Suppose a yoga practitioner needs an urgent blood transfusion. The person will be able to divert blood from within his body to the gland or organ that is in need of this life-saving fluid. And, that too without putting undue pressure on the heart.

Yoga has stood the test of time. It is now a globally acclaimed system for body and mind rejuvenation. Children, youth, and even elderly people can savor the fruits from the evergreen versatile tree of yoga.

How does yoga mould your body?

A yoga practitioner conscientiously controls his breath. Though we breathe in and out every second, how many among us do deliberate acts to control our breath? Very few! But, gain mastery over-breathing, and hold the reins of power over your own body.

Yoga breathing exercises or the Pranayamas cleanse your vital organs of the toxic substances. The other exercises – Asanas – stimulate all your important glands and thus insulate your physical being from the strikes of various ailments. Simultaneously, yoga trains the practitioner to concentrate. In simple words, yoga gives you the mind-controlling magic wand free of cost.

Means to master the exercises

Simply follow the guidelines. Spare at least 30 minutes daily in the morning before the polluting vehicles start plying and dedicatedly do the exercises for at least a month. The serious and sincere student will master the yoga art in less than 30 days.

What is mind control?

We’ve all heard of telepathy. It is a traditional mind control strategy to converse with a person and also have veritable control over subsequent developments – and that too physical as well as mental – that may happen during the course of your interaction with that acquaintance or buddy! Sounds strange; but it’s true. Believe it! For, these influencing powers are yours for free. All they need is your full-time devotion and a deliberate attempt on your part to master them.

The Yoga Schedule

The best time for your yoga schedule is the wee hour. That’s the moment when you’d be free of tension after a good night’s sleep. The surroundings would also be conducive for the meditation session. Moreover, you’d be able to give adequate time to each asana.

Here are certain easy tips:

  • Select the hours that suit you the best.
  • Do stick to the schedule.
  • Organize your schedule or the daily scheme of things.

Is there a gestation period?

The dedicated yoga practitioner gets to see the results within a few weeks. Remember, our ailments, physiological or psychological, can be cured with a strong mind. Yoga trains up the mind to play this crucially pivotal role. Then, the mind acts upon the body.

Which Asanas to begin with?

Choose the asanas in such a way that you first do the meditation session followed by the breathing exercises. Spend 10 minutes in these asanas.

After this warm-up phase, shift to the other yogic exercises leisurely and with time in hand.

The asanas must exercise each organ and part of your physical being.

The Yoga benefit list

Yoga works in a two-pronged manner: Yoga generates and assimilates life energy. Thus, yoga prolongs youth by slowing down the aging process. The body becomes light and resilient. There is better neuro-muscular coordination and metabolic efficiency. The senses work better as well.

Yoga tones up your nervous, and lymphatic systems including the respiratory and other muscles. Above all, yoga clears the respiratory passage of all impurities.

You will be able to improve your blood circulation, make your endocrine glands and the reproductive system function at their peak, and keep the vital organs supple, vigorous, and efficient.

Yoga physical benefits: Here’s a list of the yoga physical benefits: You can

  • Stop teeth loss;
  • Arrest tissue decay;
  • Rectify poor vision;
  • Remove age ravages;
  • Improve food assimilation;
  • Prevent many old age ailments;
  • Bring back the color of your grey hair;
  • Promptly eliminate waste products;
  • Reshape the spinal cord and makes it more flexible;
  • Hold the abdominal organs in place & ensure that they work efficiently;
  • Check reduced mobility, joint stiffness, artery hardening as well as skin wrinkling.

Yogic spiritual benefits: Yoga awakens a new consciousness. It makes one humble enough to do introspection. Consequently, there is an integration of personality.

Have a look at the lifetime spiritual benefits arising from regular yogic exercises:

  • Mental poise;
  • Better awareness;
  • Unruffled serenity;
  • Mind turns inwards;
  • Inner peace is achieved;
  • Control over emotions;
  • Hallucinations disappear;
  • Increased control over mind;
  • Augmented concentration faculty;
  • Mind freed from the yoke of senses;
  • Baser instincts roped; Craving for the animal passions dies out;
  • Your deeds, thoughts and words become logical and meaningful.

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1 comment

bulbul 13/06/2011 - 5:07 am

hello i doing also yoga how can i make my body felexibal and i also very lazy and treid my mind so what can i do …


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