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Obesity And Overweight keep obesity at bay through Yoga

by Yoga Positions

Are Overweight and Obesity Synonymous Terms?

Though many people confuse overweight with obesity, yet the fact remains that obesity has little to do with weight. Obesity happens due to the accumulation of excess fat in those areas where fatty substances are generally stored by our body. Obesity is a metabolic chronic disorder. It can happen due to lack of exercise and also overeating. These two factors coupled with a ‘couch-potato’ type of lifestyle lead to overweight. One tends to gain unnatural weight when the body fails to get adequate metabolic pressures (exercises) and, therefore, cannot burn the excessively consumed calories and other fatty substances.

Do Genetic Factors have any role in Obesity?

Yes! Genetic factors do play a significant role in obesity incidences. But, genetic factors can be overruled if one follows a disciplined regimen insofar as one’s diet and eating habits are concerned. Moreover, regular exercise will considerably cut down on the chances of one becoming obese.

Check out the ideal exercises for obese people

Obese people must always practise those yogic exercises that act on those areas where flab tends to build up. These parts of our bodies are the rear portions of our arms, thighs, buttocks, hips, waist, abdomen, and the chest. Mentionably, particular exercises for specific areas of our bodies do help much in fat reduction. However, such exercises concentrating on one part are good to build up muscles.

Are Obesity and Hypertension Inter-Related?

Yes, they are very much inter-related. The best way to tackle both these syndromes is Savasana.

Simple steps to keep obesity at bay

Actually, systematic exercises cut down one’s weight and fat. The following seven steps are simple and very beneficial for obese people.

(i)    Make it a point to include fiber in your diet. The fibery substances control the growth of excess flab. Fresh vegetables and cereals should be preferred to sweets, creams, butter, chocolates and other dairy items.
(ii)    Leave the sedentary lifestyle and adopt a physically active one.
(iii)    Too much of sleep also leads to obesity. So, cut down on your daytime sleep quota. If you feel too fagged out during the daytime and need some rest, go for a catnap instead.
(iv)    Correct posture is a must. No matter what you are doing, always remain erect. Walk, stand and sit erect and straight.
(v)    Spare a minimum of 30 minutes during your daily schedule for a brisk walk in an open-air environment. You can, at that time, practice Pranayama and condition your mind to concentrate on the flabby portions imagining that the excess flab has been absorbed by the body.
(vi)    Use vegetable fats as alternatives to animal fat.
(vii)    You must daily take all-round moderate exercises – yogic or conventional. They will tone up your muscles. Moreover, such activity burns up a significant portion of the excess flab.

The factors determining one’s weight

One’s weight is dependent to a large extent on one’s sex, age, basal metabolic level, physical activity, build and height.

Can we determine the ideal weight for ourselves?

Unfortunately, No! It is not possible to determine the ‘ideal’ weight for ourselves. This is because different people of the same age group have different skeletal size and heights. This is precisely the reason why weight control and normalization is basically a personal and individual problem. One will have to evolve one’s own strategy to keep the proper weight. This can be done by observing the following basic thumb rules applicable to all people who are overweight.

Trimming down the waistline

Regularly practice the following 12 yogic exercises and gain a permanent trim waistline.
These asanas are Chakrasana (Standing); Trikonasana, Padahastasana; Ushtrasana; Yoga Mudra;  Ardha Matsyendrasana; Paschimotanasana; Akarshana Dhanurasana; Shalabhasana; Bhujangasana and Ardha Halasana.

Cutting down excess abdominal flab

The best asanas for cutting down abdominal flab are Nauli and Uddiyana. They tone up, firm up and strengthen the abdominal muscles. These yogic exercises cut down excess flab and bring back to shape a weak flabby abdomen.

Perform Kapala Bhati daily.

One can select the asanas (one has to daily perform) and those suiting one from the list below:
Chakrasana (Supine); Makarasana; Naukasana; Ushtrasana; Matsyasana; Sarvangasana; Viparit Karani; Pada Hastasana; Sirshasana; Ardha Matsyendrasana; Yoga Mudra; Janu Sirasana; Paschimotanasana (one can also do the variations); Halsana; Ardha Halasana; Dhanurasana; Akarshana; Shalabhasana (full); Ardha Shalabhasana; Bhujangasana; and Pavana Muktasana.

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